Example sentences for: doubly

How can you use “doubly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the doubly tagged GFP-nic96 nup170-GFP strains, both GFP-Nic96p and Nup170p-GFP were targeted to the NE and showed punctate rim-staining characteristic of NPC localization (Figure 2).

  • 10) have various expression levels of doubly spliced viral mRNAs, including Tat, Rev, Nef, Vpr, and other accessory proteins, we decided to perform the microarray in a system where Tat was constitutively expressed; asking whether Tat by itself, or in the absence of other accessory proteins, could still down-regulate host cellular genes.

  • Novak thinks it'll go through, though he sees it as doubly evil--a reduction of freedom and a tax!

  • If JFK Jr.'s death was uncontroversial last week, it's doubly so this week.

  • There is even greater irony in the reports that management will atone for its sins with a $176 million payment to black employees--all of which will come directly from the pockets of those now doubly victimized stockholders.

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