Example sentences for: double-think

How can you use “double-think” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It is more likely that some kind of double-think, some convenient ability to stop thinking clearly when the situation demands it, is at work.

  • Orwell constructed an alternative future in his vision of the totalitarian state, Nineteen Eighty-Four . The work has given English a small lode of unpleasantries: the title itself connotes a society marked by government terror and propaganda destroying the public's consciousness of reality (the OED Supplement also accepts 1984 and 1984-ish as adjective forms); that government's official language, Newspeak , now indicates the propagandistic or ambiguous language of, among others, politicians, bureaucrats, and broadcasters (“revenue enhancement” for “tax increase,” etc.); the twisting of minds to the capacity to accept the validity of utterly contradictory opinions or beliefs, or double-think ; the book's head of state, Big Brother , implies an apparently benevolent, but really ruthless, omnipotent, and omniscient state authority.

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