Example sentences for: donne

How can you use “donne” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • ’ Indeed, the hallmark of authenticity was put on it by Chaucer, who seemed to be preparing it for Spenser, Bacon, Shakespeare, and the other Elizabethans, and for Donne, Milton, and Dryden.

  • We're supposed to mourn, for Howard, for Judy, for Jack's soul, and even for poor, harmless John Donne.

  • In other words, there are some who believe that we might be well advised to attend to what Milton, Donne, Dryden, Jefferson, Franklin, Lincoln, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Austen, Alcott, Dickens, and thousands of others have contributed to the molding of the language in all its reflexes and who find it difficult to understand the usefulness to be derived from an analysis of idle telephone and flatmate conversations, student essays read by no one other than the instructor charged with their marking, business letters read by no one other than their (individual) recipients, non-printed examination scripts exposed to nobody, social letters, classroom lessons, business transactions (between, for example, architect and 2 clients and solicitor and client), and so on.

  • I used John Donne, until Hemingway's book came out, and then shifted to Andrew Marvell.

  • Toward the end, Shawn has him place a volume of John Donne in the bathtub and pee and shit on it.

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