Example sentences for: donaldson

How can you use “donaldson” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Donaldson suggests that on 60 Minutes Clinton had admitted to infidelity.

  • Yet air attacks will not remove Saddam Hussein, the pundits agree, and greasing the maximum leader with smart bombs is a poppyhead's dangerous "pipe dream" (Al Hunt, CNN's Capital Gang ). Many follow Sam Donaldson's ( This Week ) lead in worrying about the morning after, when an unruffled Saddam emerges to mug for the cameras.

  • Pretty soon, the papers will be breathlessly revealing that talk-show couch conversations are scripted and that Sam Donaldson employs fake hair and real researchers.

  • Several commentators think that Jones may win her appeal, though all admit that any trial will occur after Clinton's presidency (Will; Taylor; Charles Krauthammer, Inside Washington ). An upcoming Supreme Court case, which will clarify legal principles in the Jones case, piques the curiosity of a few court-watchers (Taylor; Blankley; Sam Donaldson, This Week ). Gigot ( NewsHour ) thinks Jones' advisers are inept, while Totenberg believes they are more interested in serving right-wing conspirators than her interests.

  • From the safety of a TV studio, Donaldson's ready to have (someone else) pay any price, face any foe.

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