Example sentences for: dollars

How can you use “dollars” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 3. "General American Life Insurance said that it would be unable to redeem billions of dollars of withdrawals from investors who had entered into so-called 'short-term funding agreements' with the company.

  • The Pentagon spent hundreds of millions of dollars on projects unapproved by Congress.

  • Incidentally, I seem to recall reading somewhere that skins as slang for `dollars' dates from frontier days when trappers used animal skins as currency, and is therefore much older than early 20th-century Harlem.

  • Signing an agreement that would protect the industry from such suits would boost the stock price immediately, even if that agreement cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

  • Though this by itself has no immediate effect, it makes it respectable, for the first time, for political leaders to discuss the subject, and thereby brings closer the day when the vast majority of crimes will no longer be committed, when billions of dollars will be freed to help the inner city instead of to ruin black people's lives, and when we will stop, as in Samuel Butler's Erewhon , imprisoning people for the crime of being sick.

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