Example sentences for: does--but

How can you use “does--but” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • So maybe the only problem, or the main problem, is not the test, not selection on the basis of verbal and mathematical competence--which is all the test does--but trying harder to get those who ordinarily do poorly on such tests to do better.

  • This doesn't mean the Chronicle list doesn't contain traditional, mainstream commercial titles--it does--but it includes books too esoteric for the chains and books that people are willing to pay full price for.

  • Sure, the atrocities heaped on the children throw you out of the movie the same way the hospital scene in The Third Man does--but if the point of the movie is that war isn't fun and games, then it should be equally assaultive on all points.

  • The problem is not that he comes off as a talking-points robot--which he does--but that he insults everyone's intelligence.

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