Example sentences for: docetaxel

How can you use “docetaxel” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Common agents currently used in treating metastatic breast cancer are the antimitotics paclitaxel and docetaxel [ 1 2 ] . These drugs bind to β-tubulin, a major protein in mitotic spindles, and halt cell division at metaphase.

  • Over the past decade paclitaxel and docetaxel have become important chemotherapeutic agents for both ovarian and breast cancers [ 1 2 ] . Considerable interest has focused on the target receptor - tubulin - and mechanisms underlying efficacy, toxicity, and drug resistance [ 7 8 23 24 27 28 ] . Whether tubulin isotype levels might determine cellular responses to antimitotic agents remains controversial.

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