Example sentences for: dmms

How can you use “dmms” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In comparison to patients with other causes of ESRD, the patients with HIVAN included in the DMMS wave 2 study were younger, the majority were African-Americans and had lower serum albumin and more severe acidosis.

  • A total of 4065 patients were included in the DMMS Wave 2 cohort.

  • FCT collaborated in the manuscript and was instrumental in the initial preparation of DMMS 2 files for analysis, especially medications

  • Therefore, we analyzed data from the standard analysis files of the 2000 United States Renal Data System (USRDS) Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality (DMMS) Wave 2 database.

  • [ 6 ] in HIV infected patients starting dialysis in the United States after 1997, likely from the fact that patients included in the DMMS wave 2 were recruited in 1996.

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