Example sentences for: divulge

How can you use “divulge” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • … An article condemns former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl for harboring secret party bank accounts and refusing to divulge the names of donors.

  • Aristotle Publishing isn't even willing to divulge the name of the company that actually places its banner ads on Web sites.

  • Like conversations between doctor and patient or priest and penitent, confidential communications between a client and his lawyer are legally protected . A client can refuse to disclose the substance of those communications, and only in rare exceptions will the lawyer be forced to divulge the information in question.

  • (LTCM, as a matter of principle, refused to divulge its assets or strategy--so anyone who entered a contract with the firm was accepting an unknown risk.)

  • For instance, when Clinton cited executive privilege as a reason for holding back a memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh criticizing his drug policies, Bob Dole asserted that the president had no basis for refusing to divulge it.

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