Example sentences for: dividends

How can you use “dividends” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For right now, it is worth noting that this letter is the first place where Glassman and Hassett have explicitly admitted that equating earnings and dividends is a mathematical sin.

  • The prize for cash well-spent may go to Kentucky and North Carolina, which are considering using their dividends to aid tobacco farmers.

  • Crook mentions "capital appreciation," saying that his method will reflect it because "dividends are themselves growing along with the worth of the company."

  • TERMINAL DIVIDENDS - Dividends to policyholders calculated and paid upon termination of a contract, such as on death, surrender, or maturity.

  • But companies take any number of different approaches to dividends, and their relationship to a company's worth is very inconsistent.

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