Example sentences for: dissipated

How can you use “dissipated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The NYT , in an editorial slugged "Tell the Full Story, Mr. President," says that the statements offered thus far by Clinton and Jordan have compounded the case's oddities, not dissipated them.

  • As the impeachment drama dissipated, though, and Congress and the press started to lay off, Clinton's approval rating dropped.

  • Obviously, in Figure .a, most of the energy carried by the cannonball is dissipated as heat, random molecular motions induced in the particles of dirt.

  • The Bush and Clinton administrations kept spending billions on drug prevention, but the frenzy of the 1980s dissipated, and the culture changed.

  • The paper also attacked the Australian government for failing to bring sufficient pressure on Indonesia, and the Age of Melbourne published an article regretting that "decades of 'quiet diplomacy' aimed at building ties with our huge neighbor has been dissipated in just a few days."

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