Example sentences for: disservice

How can you use “disservice” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He does us all a disservice by offering up this superficial comparison.

  • To lump these pillars of respectability in my life and in my community with the few bad seeds that slip through the cracks of the organization is a grave disservice to the thousands of men and women who willingly give their evenings, weekends, and dollars to an organization whose core goal is to mold impressionable boys into upstanding, moral men.

  • If they're not right, they'll have done a disservice to ecology.”

  • A Times of London editorial said the vote was "a serious blow to America's political and moral authority" and that the "Senate Republicans, by exploiting the opportunity to inflict a very public defeat on a lame-duck President, have done their country, and their allies, a grave disservice."

  • But if the rules don't recognize that some people, quite rationally, will wish to buy less safety for less money, they are doing the flying public a disservice.

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