Example sentences for: dissent

How can you use “dissent” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • China's leaders have drawn conclusions from the collapse of the Soviet Union: that if they allow dissent or take steps toward democracy, they will be dead or jailed in a decade; and that no amount of economic benefit is worth the destruction of their regime.

  • (Scalia offered a different textualist reading of the Equal Protection Clause, grounding his arch dissent firmly in majoritarianism--"The Court has mistaken a Kulturkampf for a fit of spite."

  • And that is perfectly appropriate for this book, because there really is no dissent in the Valley.

  • Of course, Woody Allen captured this idea perfectly in Bananas , in the scene where he buys a pile of intellectual journals, and tries to slip a copy of a pornographic magazine in with them, only to have the shop owner holler, "Hey Harry, how much for a copy of Orgasm ?" Later, Allen sits on the subway, gazing at the offending item, which he has neatly tucked into the latest edition of Commentary , with an article by Irving Kristol on the cover (another favorite Woody Allen line, of course, comes in Annie Hall , when he quips that Dissent and Commentary have merged to form a new magazine called Dysentery-- I was probably one of the few 11-year-olds to laugh at that one).

  • The budget surplus, which is providing Clinton with excellent cover for his new social programs (Gigot; David Gergen, The McLaughlin Group ), was declared illusory and temporary by This Week 's two conservatives, who failed to note these seemingly obvious truths last week when the surplus was Issue 1. George Will stated without dissent that the surplus is an accounting trick: If the balance sheet were to include the trust funds (Social Security, etc.), the real deficit would stand at about $140 billion.

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