Example sentences for: disregarding

How can you use “disregarding” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Eventually, they fed her to the Jones lawyers, who sent private investigators to her home, subpoenaed her, and dumped her name and story into the public record based on hearsay, disregarding her denials.

  • I'm sure you are not advocating disregarding the rights of the disabled, but I think you may have misled others to do so.

  • In the Romanization system I learned (and a pox on Peiking/Beijing for replacing the clear with the opaque) the two characters are transliterated as mei-kuo , disregarding the tonal diacritical marks.

  • Wednesday night, they sent Clinton an open letter urging him to testify before the Senate, disregarding repeated White House statements that he would not do so.

  • GM executives somehow saw their way clear to disregarding this counsel and, 15 years later, the Chevy was the country's most popular car.

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