Example sentences for: dismissive

How can you use “dismissive” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Of course, one does still have to fight what might be called the Drug Enforcement Industry, a modest but powerful branch of the Military-Industrial Complex, whose current leader, Clinton drug tzar Barry McCaffrey, was as dismissive of Gov.

  • They thought they had him by the legalities on perjury and obstruction of justice, and in attempting to win converts to their cause they may have been more dismissive than they intended about the sex thing.

  • Whatever you make of Velvet Goldmine (opinions have ranged from rapturous to casually dismissive), it's like no other musical ever made.

  • Many of Lind's specific points are reasonable, but it's the one place where he has a categorically dismissive rather than explanatory tone.

  • Hoping for an ecstatic reaction from this most vital of critics, he found instead an old woman hobbled by Parkinson's disease, and one whose response to his film was gnomic and gently dismissive.

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