Example sentences for: dismembered

How can you use “dismembered” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Post and NYT put the death toll at over 200 (many of whom were burned alive or dismembered) but the LAT , with a later deadline, says the number approaches 400.

  • And considering that Hudson, a $100-million-a-year company, was dismembered in the wake of its cooperation with the USDA, any new powers would pale compared with what the department has already.

  • He defunded, jawboned, and intimidated the fledgling broadcaster, and had he not been distracted by Watergate, he surely would have dismembered it.

  • Describing Indonesian military intervention in West Kalimantan, an Indonesian-controlled territory on the island of Borneo plagued by ethnic and religious conflict, the paper said that "armed mobs paraded the severed heads of their victims through villages" and that "the bridges in one town had been hung with the dismembered parts of the victims' bodies."

  • However, upon canonization, saints have frequently been disinterred so their remains can be dismembered and turned into relics.

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