Example sentences for: dishonor

How can you use “dishonor” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • To refrain from purchasing one would insult the working class and dishonor the labor of our fathers' fathers!

  • Button's situation, his decision seems quite reasonable: Assuming you have no a priori moral or religious objection to suicide and do not greatly fear death, death seems like a rational (if not recommended) alternative when faced with likely court-martial, professional ruin, a possible jail term, and a very public dishonor brought upon oneself and one's family.

  • In doing so, he brought shame and dishonor upon the office of the President and especially upon himself."

  • In other words, there is a potential reason, other than not being Deep Throat, that might impel Felt to say he wasn't Deep Throat: the perceived dishonor such a revelation might bring Felt as a "loyal employee of the FBI."

  • P leasantville suggests that '50s fashions for women have now come to mean what female Victorian clothing used to mean in the 1920s--not just clothes in a different style, but a metaphor, a compendium of ridiculous and unnatural devices invented to dishonor female life and liberty.

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