Example sentences for: disemboweled

How can you use “disemboweled” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Darger watercolors on exhibit include both peacetime tableaux of tiny lassies, some naked, some in dresses, disporting themselves among butterflies and enormous flowers and odd little birds--and scenes of maniacal carnage, in which the same tiny lassies are strangled naked (distorted faces, tongues stuck out) and disemboweled by merciless Glandelinians.

  • Now, after decades of watching sweaty Vietnam vets sitting bolt upright in bed after acid-soaked nightmares of their buddies getting disemboweled, moviegoers regard such characters as so much Freudian chin music.

  • Not for him the cherry-blossom viewings and golden pavilions of Yukio Mishima, the monarchist who disemboweled himself in 1970.

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