Example sentences for: discount

How can you use “discount” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • And while the discount rate itself is not that important, which is to say that an increase in it will have no material effect on the economy, the message the increase sends is important, and that message is that the Fed is more concerned about inflation than the small hike in the federal funds rate would indicate.

  • Where VI (intermediate) is the volume of workshared mail that exists at the new workshare price and the original discount, before the shift volume arrives.

  • 2 4 6 81012 Discount, Cents/Piece, Current Level = 6.0

  • English-speaking sales staff are often on hand, but don’t expect the same discount prices that are offered on the other floors, despite the tax-free incentive.

  • The way to think of the above curves is to begin with a discount, go over to the supply curve to get a volume, and then go up to the postal service cost curve to see how much the postal service saved on the last few pieces that converted to presort.

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