Example sentences for: discount

How can you use “discount” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 2 4 6 81012 Discount, Cents/Piece, Current Level = 6.0

  • , those not hired by stadium proponents) discount the claim that new stadiums spur regional economic growth.

  • ** Results calculated using seven percent discount rate as recommended by OMB Circular A-94 (OMB, 1992).

  • A front page WSJ feature looks past such arcana as pricing structures and inventory management to find a simpler reason why discount retailers consistently outperform traditional department stores: The former, but not the latter, provide customers with shopping carts.

  • If the prices of the basic category were regulated and precluded from going above a certain level, as might occur under a price cap arrangement, but the Postal Service were given the freedom to adjust the discount and therefore the workshare price, a natural question would concern the extent to which the Postal Service's net income (hereinafter often called profits) could be changed by changing the discount, and how this change would compare with the welfare effects on mailers.

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