Example sentences for: dirt

How can you use “dirt” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Last year, when I finally got my own piece of dirt and took a spade to it, it landed with a thud.

  • The Panjiayuan Antique and Curio Market (variously known as the “Dirt Market,” “Ghost Market,” and “Sunday Market”) is the most interesting to browse in Beijing.

  • Indeed, I might have sent the cannonball bouncing along a large steel plate rather than hitting mere dirt.

  • The digging of the groove in the dirt by the cannonball constitutes the construction of constraints on the release of energy, for the water flowing down the gravitational potential to the bean field is just such a constrained release of energy.

  • The company, says the paper, prefers to sweep its dirt under the rug to protect its dominant share of the testing business instead of spending the money to tighten security.

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