Example sentences for: directories

How can you use “directories” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Before proceeding, write down or remember the directories where these files are found.

  • The most infamous of these took place in 1936 when Literary Digest sent 10 million presidential ballots to people, based on telephone directories and automobile registration lists.

  • Product in the entertainment-industry sense used above occupies a distinct class within the phylum content . Whereas product is, for the most part, a commodity that exists or is envisaged, content , in its most advanced and today most widely used sense, means the totality of all substance (in particular, commercially viable substance) that can be made available through the various communications and information media: not just movies, TV shows, and music but also software, games, sports, news, directories, advertising, and everything online--now and in the future.

  • To provide a consistent environment, the nodes had the same mounting points of the directories as all other BDGP Unix computers.

  • The private cluster 100 BT network was connected to the NAS-based storage volumes housing the data and user home directories with Gigabit ethernet.

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