Example sentences for: direct-to-consumer

How can you use “direct-to-consumer” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For example, GlaxoSmithKline marketed paroxetine (Paxil) by promoting the previously obscure diagnosis of “social anxiety disorder” through phony support groups, celebrity spokespeople, a direct-to-consumer illness awareness campaign, and generous payments to key opinion leaders [22].

  • Celebrities paid by drug companies to promote drugs, or ‘raise awareness’ about disease, should be subject to the same rules as direct-to-consumer advertising, which would mean prohibition in many nations and much more fulsome disclosure in the United States than is currently the case.

  • To the best of our knowledge, in the paired availability design to study the effect of epidural analgesia on the probability of Cesarean section, there were no credible reports of either detrimental or beneficial side effects to the mother or fetus from epidural analgesia and no relevant direct-to-consumer advertising.

  • This requirement could be violated by a widely publicized report of a harmful side effect of the new treatment, or direct-to-consumer advertising of the intervention to consumers.

  • The stable preference requirement likely held, as there were no widely published reports concerning risks or benefits of epidural analgesia and no direct-to-consumer advertising of the procedure.

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