Example sentences for: diplomats

How can you use “diplomats” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • And in return, the U.N. agrees to provide diplomats from various countries who would accompany the weapons inspectors.

  • The WP's Keith Richburg quotes diplomats and military analysts as saying that thousands of East Timorese members of Indonesian forces have deserted their units and joined the militias, and even cites some unconfirmed reports of soldiers firing on soldiers.

  • All the accounts of a possible U.N.-approved military response stress that the deployment of such a force is being viewed by diplomats as possible only in the unlikely event that Indonesia consents.

  • The Times national edition reports that "some diplomats say" that in only a matter of weeks inspectors could run into access problems at other sites.

  • Western diplomats, chary of further destabilizing the region, are urging Montenegrins to bide their time.

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