Example sentences for: diorama

How can you use “diorama” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The diorama is wonderful: The "Torah" and "roasting Christian baby" are incredibly lifelike!)

  • It was rebuilt in 1841 and restored in 1934 as a tourist attraction, with a diorama of the Battle of York and authentically furnished 19th-century officers’ quarters, log cabins, and military surgery.

  • The movingly simple Peace Memorial Museum documents the horror with charts, models, photographs, videos, everyday objects transformed by the unimaginable heat of the blast, and a life-sized diorama portraying horribly burned victims.

  • Kids always love the Salem Witch Museum, a diorama show that tells the story of the witch hysteria when 19 people went to the gallows.

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