Example sentences for: dimpled

How can you use “dimpled” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • melon, dimpled by the forceps mark of his accident or whatever extracted him from normalcy, dipped him in the searing, crushing waters of disfigurement and then returned himto the world to fill it with the childish

  • An English actress known for her BBC Jane Eyre (1997) and an incendiary turn in the little-seen Under the Skin (1997), she has a dimpled half-smile, a slightly bobbing walk, and the manner of a pixilated silent movie ragamuffin.

  • Her dimpled cellulite was blown up to ghastly proportions and plastered on newsstands.

  • Many note similarities in their sinuous, full lips; dimpled chins; and "intense eyes."

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