Example sentences for: diligently

How can you use “diligently” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Some states, such as Connecticut, Vermont, and Hawaii, made major changes in their delivery systems in 1995 and 1996 and are working diligently to realize the full potential of those systems.

  • He diligently applied himself to the kind of work allotted in the Stalinist era, documenting official marches and construction projects in the hinterlands.

  • "My investigators work very hard and diligently to find relevant evidence," Starr offered.

  • [M]alice and partiality set apart, let any man who understands English, read diligently the works of Shakespeare and Fletcher, and I dare undertake that he will find in every page either some solecism of speech, or some notorious flaw in sense; and yet these men are reverenced, when we are not forgiven.

  • Sir Randolph Quirk put it succinctly when he wrote, “It would be ironic indeed if the millions of children in Germany, Japan, and China who are diligently learning the language of Shakespeare and Eliot took more care in their use of English and showed more pride in their achievement than those for whom it is the native tongue.”

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