Example sentences for: dii

How can you use “dii” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 5A,5B,5G), however after the initiation of luteolysis at DII 1100 h, BMP-7 mRNA becomes undetectable.

  • At higher magnification, examination of sections stained with DiI and SYTOX green revealed ultrastructural differences between alphaA/BKO lenses and wild type lenses (Figure 3).

  • Comparable to control mice, there is some transcellular labeling with DiI to cells apparently contacted by the afferent fibers in the Brn3c null mutant utricle (Fig.

  • Ears were subsequently reacted for acetylated tubulin to reveal the pattern of innervation in addition to the DiI tracing with a different technique as previously described [ 14 ] . Briefly, dissected ears were incubated with 1:500 anti-acetylated tubulin antibodies (Sigma, St. Louis) followed by secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP.

  • One containing deletions DIVb(1-2), DII(ii)a,b and the κ helix (190-204) that resulted in an intron that was 710 nts in size, and a second one containing an additional deletion of domain Ib, which resulted in a reduction to 694 nts.

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