Example sentences for: dialect

How can you use “dialect” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For example, a single Georgia informant used fatpoke meaning a `fat person,' which one might reasonably guess derives from analogy with slowpoke , or it may also be an r -less pronunciation and figurative use of fat pork , a dialect name for `fat back' or `salt pork.

  • The exact count is unimportant and, at best, spurious, for it is extremely difficult to establish uniform criteria for what distinguishes dialect from language.

  • Dialect B. Plural formation followed by [t] deletion

  • I have also noticed a sharp acceleration in the decline of dialectal usages, less in pronunciation than in vocabulary: I find that many people in my own county of Suffolk, for example, no longer know dialect words and expressions that were universal currency as recently as the 1950s.

  • It was the pervasive Anglo-Saxon who really set the foundation for the dialect spoken by the modern descendants of Wigtown Man.

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