Example sentences for: devos

How can you use “devos” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • McCain didn't spot Ms. DeVos at the breakfast, but he dwelt on campaign finance reform anyhow--he always does.

  • 1: Richard M. and Helen DeVos, founders of Amway, who gave more than $1 million to the GOP.

  • John Weaver, his national political director, alerted him that the audience waiting inside the aircraft hangar might include Betsy DeVos, the chairman of the state party, who happens to be married to the head of the Amway Corp., and who also happens to be a committed foe of campaign finance reform.

  • He then recalled a previous meeting when he brought his signature issue up in Michigan, doing an impression of DeVos' reaction in a small meeting.

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