Example sentences for: devalues

How can you use “devalues” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It turns government suggestions into veiled threats and devalues true voluntarism.

  • Calling such public figures charismatic devalues the word and strips it of meaning (meaninglessness certainly triumphs when writers see charisma in humor or music).

  • That there are Irish-Americans who do these things in no way devalues the efforts of others to connect with their past.

  • But (the argument goes) the 1970s inflation taught investors the brutal lesson that there is no safety in bonds: Your investment can evaporate if interest rates rise, or if inflation devalues the bonds' purchasing power.

  • We are not a single-minded community that values or devalues Clinton's private adulterous conduct.

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