Example sentences for: determinedly

How can you use “determinedly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Guangzhou is interestingly one of China’s most prosperous cities, determinedly on the move into the modern world.

  • No wonder many hate it in France, especially for schoolgirls, who are meant to mix with others on an equal footing in all respects; and in determinedly modernized Turkey, too.

  • Yoffe suggests that truth can be found just as easily in tabloids as in traditional publishing outlets; a less determinedly shallow analyst might wonder if the dominant role of money is suffocating the truth in both venues.

  • --Prudie, determinedly

  • "She axed the interminable essays on African land reform, commissioned glitz, and went determinedly down-market in search of circulation--most successfully.

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