Example sentences for: despot

How can you use “despot” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • What they seemed to want was a despot like Ala-ud-din Khalji (1296–1316), who forced Mongol invaders back across the Afghan frontier and then moved through the peninsula to its southern tip.

  • Pombal dominated Portugal as an enlightened despot, banishing the Jesuits and executing certain members of the nobility who may have been involved in an assassination attempt on the king.

  • In Cairo, the English language Egyptian Gazette said Thursday that "virtually everybody agrees that Saddam Hussein's despicable and shuddering deeds qualify him for the title of the world's most notorious despot."

  • In fact, Keyes doesn't really fall apart until you administer what I think of as the Despot Test.

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