Example sentences for: derogatory

How can you use “derogatory” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • By contrast buckra , also a derogatory term for a `white person,' is first recorded in 1787 and is probably from an Efik word meaning `he who governs' and `white man.

  • In its pages can be found linguistic traces of the former rivalry between Boer and Briton, the naming practices of the Khoi and San (Hottentot and Bushman in former terms), racial conflict (derogatory terms like Boer, Kaffir, and Hottentot each have more than a page devoted to them), the political discourse of the apartheid regime, and the counter-discourse of the resistance movements.

  • Earlier in this century, pansy became a derogatory epithet to describe an effete male, thereby cheapening forever lines like Shelley's noble image in Adonais (verse XXXIII):

  • It's the promulgation of ideas and derogatory comments such as yours that debases affirmative action, and misleads and misinforms people about affirmative action policies.

  • "Stinking fish" was a derogatory Elizabethan reference to vaginal odor; and cod--as in cod piece--was slang for penis.

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