Example sentences for: depositions

How can you use “depositions” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The LAT front features a piece summarizing the witness depositions.

  • They proposed to erase it from history, as though Clinton's and Lewinsky's depositions had never happened.

  • The Star weighs in on the scandal this week with a piece on five unnamed Arkansas women forced to give depositions in the Paula Jones lawsuit.

  • With conviction and removal of President Clinton almost surely off the table, say the papers, stress will instead be on: whether or not to call any of the already deposed witnesses to the Senate chamber for questioning, whether or not to release to the public the videotapes of their depositions, and whether or not to vote on findings of fact in the case or on a formal censure of Clinton instead.

  • The Post says that if the three depositions just approved don't drag out and aren't sensational, the White House will likely not conduct the full-blown discovery it has recently threatened.

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