Example sentences for: deposing

How can you use “deposing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 3) The Wall Street Journal accelerated the backspin against military action with a Wednesday piece criticizing "facile Washington commentary" that exaggerates the ease of deposing or crippling Saddam Hussein through force.

  • They say the new U.S. policy is to contain and deter Iraq's weapons programs (possibly through periodic military strikes), maintain economic sanctions, and foster Iraqi opposition groups in the hope of deposing Saddam Hussein.

  • Nearly every year he reorganizes his Cabinet, deposing old friends and allowing no one to accumulate significant power.

  • As a result, they are deposing other women linked to Clinton, including Gennifer Flowers and former White House aide Kathleen Willey.

  • This meant deposing Sultan Mehmet VI, who as caliph (leader of the Islamic world) and sultan stood for the old tradition of combined secular and religious power.

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