Example sentences for: denying

How can you use “denying” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But it's often impossible to keep such materials from children without also denying them to adults.

  • Ernest Istook, a Republican representative from Oklahoma, recently proposed denying federal funds to any library that fails to use filters.

  • State Department spokesman is quoted denying this.

  • The entire theory is so engaging, charming, and delightful that one hesitates to find fault with any one of it; doing so would be like denying the existence of Santa Claus.

  • When asked to look at a series of photographs that included the 19 hijackers involved in the 9/11 attacks, Benomrane responded ambiguously, seeming first to pick out the photographs of Hazmi and Mihdhar but then denying that he recognized them.

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