Example sentences for: denton

How can you use “denton” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Since the pioneering study on the role of UHCT in the evaluation of ureteric colic by Smith et al [ 1 ] in 1995, a number of studies have shown the superiority of non-contrast enhanced CT over IVU and Ultrasonography [ 2 3 4 5 ] . Its sensitivity and specificity is reported to be more than 95% and 96 % respectively [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] . An important disadvantage is a higher radiation dose to the patient [ 7 ] . Denton [ 8 ] noted a difference of 2.5 mSv versus 4.7 mSv in the radiation dose to the patient between IVU and UHCT performed for renal colic.

  • By the way, for those of you who want the straight skinny on why I'm leaving the Commission, that's Denton's fault, too!

  • How many of you know Neal Denton?

  • Well, as I heard the story, Denton was leaning into the plate in fantasy baseball camp last winter when he took a high, inside, fast ball on the head.

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