Example sentences for: densest

How can you use “densest” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • You are likely to see everything from the deep gloom of the densest forest to the sudden brilliant burst of sun in a clearing, playing endless variations on the textures and myriad shades of green in the surrounding vegetation.

  • The HRM method [ 2 ] is similar but uses the sub-sample with the densest half-range, where range is defined as the absolute difference between the maximum and the minimum values in a sample.

  • The Borneo ironwood or belian produces the world’s densest, hardest timber after the South African ironwood.

  • Chromosomes 19 and 17 are the richest (that is, densest) in exonic sequence [ 44], by factors of 2.04 and 1.62, respectively, compared to the average for the genome.

  • Similarly, the HRM uses densest half samples to estimate the mode.

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