Example sentences for: denny

How can you use “denny” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The reports agree that this a key victory for House Speaker Denny Hastert, who cajoled his fractious and narrow majority--including a cadre of moderates skittish about using so much of the surplus for tax cuts--into supporting the legislation.

  • All of a sudden, somebody grabs you by the mouth, drags you around the store, drags you outside, pulls the hook out of your mouth, and throws you back into Denny's.

  • They shouldn't have been surprised when Bush repaid the favor by casting Denny Hastert as Sista Soulja.

  • The papers pronounce J. Dennis "Denny" Hastert, the little-known deputy whip, to be the likely next speaker, having quickly won the support of whip Tom DeLay and majority leader Dick Armey, both of whom seem to have concluded they themselves lacked sufficient support to win the job.

  • They've found the names of 13 th -century rabbis in the Denny's menu."

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