Example sentences for: denigrate

How can you use “denigrate” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The soft money can't be transferred directly into candidates' coffers, and the ads can't explicitly promote or denigrate a candidate, which in practice just means no use of the words "vote for" or "vote against."

  • On the question of whether the proposals of the truth school will denigrate other values more important than truth, we have a long history from which to learn.

  • In any case, thoughtful people will surely wonder about the judgment and heart of a man who could publicly denigrate the looks of a young woman who has famously conducted herself like a lady.

  • As Buchanan notes, the term "isolationist" (which he rejects) was coined in the 1920s to denigrate those who would keep America out of European wars.

  • To claim, as Krugman does, that I "don't like mainstream economists" and that I am out to denigrate their work is malicious hogwash.

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