Example sentences for: demonize

How can you use “demonize” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The tried and true method for ginning up excitement about a foreign entanglement is to demonize, to focus on a single foreign scoundrel.

  • West has really grappled with the great plays and found in the lack of a central consciousness (the protagonists are not mouthpieces for the playwright) and refusal to demonize even the most destructive-seeming characters a hallmark of Christian forgiveness.

  • In today's dispatch, we learn how gambling's foes seek to demonize wagering as a pernicious tobaccolike vice.

  • Government should discourage images of sex and violence in the media by holding congressional hearings that demonize Hollywood.

  • Both Lewis and Males go overboard, he by playing loose with statistics that demonize parents, she by romanticizing teen-agers.

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