Example sentences for: democrat

How can you use “democrat” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Reich has replaced a dull, earnestly wonkish hearing with a Hollywood script in which a mean Republican hammers a decent Democrat.

  • Santa Rosa Depressed Democrat (Press Democrat).

  • It's a savvy choice of emissary: Hillsman, who made ads for Minnesota Democrat Paul Wellstone before signing on with Ventura, is even closer to Beatty's liberal-populist politics than Ventura is.

  • Ravitch, who says she considers herself a dissatisfied Democrat rather than a Republican, adds this lukewarm endorsement, "I think that he is in some strange fashion trying to do the right thing."

  • California's new governor, Democrat Gray Davis, has endorsed a diversity plan for the University of California system that would replace the programs swept away by a 1996 ballot initiative.

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