Example sentences for: delineated

How can you use “delineated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Elegant studies in knockout mice have delineated the contribution of IGF-I, IGF-II and the IGF-I receptor to fetal growth [for review see ref [ 36 ] ]. Embryonic fibroblasts derived from IGF-IR knockout embryos (R-cells) do not grow in serum-free medium, despite supplementation with a wide variety of other growth factors, and grow more slowly in media containing serum than wild-type cells [for reviews see refs [ 37 38 ] ]. Additionally, all phases of the cell cycle are prolonged in the null cells suggesting that the IGF-IR is required throughout the cell cycle.

  • Immunolocalization studies of RhoA in C3 treated HBP-ALL cells spreading on fibronectin showed no gross differences in RhoA distribution, however clusters of RhoA were more delineated along the finger-like dendritic processes of the C3 treated cells.

  • To determine the extent of cell migration, we measured the distance between the edge where the cloning ring was at day zero and the edge of the culture delineated by the migrating front of the cells on the 3 rdday.

  • Our hope is that, as MAPPFinder users see the added utility of viewing the GO biological processes as fully delineated pathways, they will use GenMAPP to organize the gene lists into more descriptive biological pathways.

  • Using the secondary structure elements from the experimentally determined structures of IPNS (PDB:1ips), DAOCS (PDB:1dcs), CAS (PDB:1drt) and the predicted secondary structures for individual families, the conserved core of these elements was delineated (Figure 1).

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