Example sentences for: dek

How can you use “dek” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Construction of the poly-histidine-tagged DEK bacterial expression vector is described elsewhere [ 16 ] . Full-length DEK or antisense DEK was prepared from cultures grown from individual colonies to log phase, induced with 1 mm isopropyl thiogalactose, and harvested by centrifugation after 4 hours.

  • Children with pauciarticular-onset JRA were also significantly more likely to have anti-DEK antibodies than were children with polyarticular-onset or systemic-onset JRA or other rheumatic diseases.

  • DEK has been shown to bind to the HIV-2 pets site [ 16 ] , but oligonucleotides containing this sequence also failed to compete significantly (lane 9), suggesting that factors other than DEK play a role in determining the specificity of this complex.

  • As shown in Table 1, DEK binds more strongly to Y-box sequences in either DQA1 allele than it does to any of the other DR - or DQ -related Y-box sequences.

  • One is that DEK binds to the HLA-DQA1 Y box in a sequence-specific manner.

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