Example sentences for: deer

How can you use “deer” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Spotted deer, sloth bear, giant flying squirrels, and civet cats are among the other mammals the visitor may see.

  • By the spring of 2003, almost 40,000 deer had been sacrificed and sampled for the disease, both within and without a 411 square-mile (1065 square-kilometer) region dubbed the eradication zone.

  • Labuhan Lalang, on Terima Bay at the western tip of Bali, is the base for boats which make the half-hour trip to Pulau Menjangan (Deer Island).

  • This evaluation establishes whether the plant use is based on empirically verifiable principles or whether symbolic aspects of healing are more important [ 1 ] . Hunters are principally interested in the following game animals: agouti ( Dasyprocta agouti ), matte ( Tupinambis negropunctatus ), tatou ( Dasypus novemcinctus ), deer ( Mazama americana trinitatis ), lappe ( Agouti paca ), manicou ( Didelphis marsupialis insularis ), wild hog/quenk ( Tayassu tajacu ). The hunting season lasts from October 1st to February 28/29, then there is a closed season for the rest of the year.

  • A species of tick, the animal that Pliny the Elder called one of the foulest and nastiest creatures that be should be known to most residents of the northeast coast of the US, because Ixodes dammini , the deer tick, is the vector for another dreadful animal--the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi , which causes borreliosis Lyme (disease)--the fastest-growing infectious disease in the US after AIDS.

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