Example sentences for: deem

How can you use “deem” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • - If CEMS data or data from an alternative monitoring systemapproved by the Administrator under subsection (a) is not available for any affected unit during any period of a calendar year in which such data is required under this title, and the owner or operator cannot provide information, satisfactory to the Administrator, on emissions during that period, the Administrator shall deem the unit to be operating in an uncontrolled manner during the entire period for which the data was not available and shall, by regulation , prescribe means to calculate emissions for that period.

  • A story says that many astronomers now deem Pluto too small to be a planet and want it reclassified as a large asteroid.

  • Despite Volcano 's superior special effects, critics deem it inferior to the last volcano movie, Dante's Peak . Problems: 1) The plot, or the lack thereof.

  • If the network paradigm is as mature and superior as proponents claim, asks Gates, how can the government deem Microsoft an entrenched monopoly?

  • Critics deem the roster free of surprises.

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