Example sentences for: deductions

How can you use “deductions” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Thus I have only a moderate degree of confidence in my deductions.

  • The Wall Street Journal "Tax Report" says more and more "not-so-wealthy" people are getting hit with the alternative minimum tax, which was designed to keep the wealthy from dodging federal tax entirely through the artful use of deductions, credits and the like.

  • The agency's attorneys had provided clearance to the financial office regarding authority to make payroll deductions from employees for overpayment of travel claims.

  • A few more years of CPI overestimation, and tax brackets and indexed deductions will be pushed so out of whack with reality that only a tiny percentage of Americans will ever encounter the progressive-tax system.

  • Gephardt would get rid of all deductions except those for home-mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and state and local taxes.

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