Example sentences for: decrying

How can you use “decrying” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Newsweek also gets cuffed about in Backlash for decrying "the emotional fallout of feminism"; for hyping "cocooning," a trend pretty much invented by Faith Popcorn; for attacking the "myth of Supermom"; for running two covers on the "trend of childlessness"; and for exaggerating the problem of drug addiction among pregnant mothers, among other sins.

  • If there were only one white, affluent couple sending its child to private schools while decrying school choice for others, that would be one thing.

  • The summit, and the protests raging around it, will help shape the debate over the nature and aims of globalization, with many protestors decrying the secretive, undemocratic nature of the organization itself.

  • The Daily Telegraph took a similar tack, decrying the "rise in military influence" and "a resumption in the sway of oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky," but taking heart in the shift of power "from conservatives to reformers."

  • Recently, the head of the California Bar Association delivered an address at the annual meeting decrying jokes about lawyers, suggesting that a man who had raided a law office and killed some people in it had been inspired or spurred on by the derisive attitude toward lawyers that “lawyer jokes” fostered.

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