Example sentences for: deconstruction

How can you use “deconstruction” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Just ask any literature professor how quickly English, French, and German departments flushed out their theory mavens once deconstruction became a dirty word.

  • In literary criticism, deconstruction and reader-response models try to deal with this problem, deconstructionists pointing out the inherent instability of all language, reader-response critics insisting that all meaning resides in the audience's interpretation.

  • Hence today's newspaper deconstruction: "referred incompletely to the source" means "referred to the source, without mentioning that it was the source."

  • His deconstruction of political ads is a weekly feature of

  • The WP does some good deconstruction of the Jiang visit, pointing out that his laying of a wreath at Pearl Harbor's Arizona memorial was designed to remind Americans that China was once a military ally, and noting that the full military honors Jiang received upon his arrival in Hawaii were one of China's requirements for agreeing to a U.S. summit.

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