Example sentences for: declination

How can you use “declination” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Either we have corroboration by escalation (moreover, on top of that, above all) , or we have devaluation by declination (worse, worse still, worst of all) . On one hand we have substantiation by association (similarly, in the same way) ; on the other hand we have invalidation by differentiation (quite a different matter, we cannot compare, something else again) .

  • L. 103-413) authorized the Departments to jointly promulgate regulations limited solely to self-determination contracts or the approval, award or declination of such contract regarding the Federal Tort Claims Act, the Contract Disputes Act, declination and waiver procedures, appeal procedures, reassumption procedures, discretionary grant procedures, property donation procedures, internal agency procedures relating to implementation of the Act, retrocession and tribal organization relinquishment procedures, contract proposal contents, conflicts of interest, construction, programmatic reports and data requirements, procurement standards, property management standards and financial management standards.

  • For many are of a countrary opinion, that the English tongue was then in the height of its perfection; that from Jonson's time to ours it has been in a continual declination, like that of the Romans from the age of Virgil to Statius, but Quintilian himself so much complains, under the person of Secundus, in his famous dialogue de Causis corruptae Eloquentiae.

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